Thursday, 20 March 2025


We woke once again to sunshine and went for another early morning walk on the beach. It's officially spring and there was actually some warmth in the air to prove it. Yellow gorse blossom on the hillside added to the brightness of the day.
Somewhere up on the clifftop you can just get a glimpse of a rather fine house. I would love to know what it looks like inside. What a fantastic position, although if I were living there I might well have nightmares about landslips!
All was quiet on the beach front, just a few runners, presumably preparing for the half-marathon that is soon to take place. I was wearing wellies so that I could walk by the shore.
Back at home there were plenty of things to do. Yesterday we had spent a frustrating time trying to track down a product that would stop our steel water bowl from rusting so much. The water had become a dull orange. The birds didn't seem to mind but I did. I wanted a clear sealant for metal and we trecked all about town to one place after another without any success. When we got to Screwfix the young man said they didn't stock it but he would google it and see if anyone did. Why hadn't we done that instead of our wild goose chase? And he got a result! The bowl has now had three coats of sealant and we'll see how it fares.
The spring growth in the garden is bursting into colour. The hellebores have been very good this year, I think that they appreciated the top dressing of compost that they had in the autumn.
In the afternoon we got the deckchairs out!


  1. All those hellebores! I am amazed. I am pleased with my two kinds, but have only recently learned that there are many varieties.
    I adore those little beach cabanas or huts or whatever they're called!
    Yes, the house on the cliff, that would give me nightmares if I owned it. In California I saw big mansions perched on cliffs that were basically shale, which explained why the terrible landslides there. I no longer feel sorry for those who choose to build or live in such locations. It's asking for disaster, I think.

  2. I have never seen beach huts on two levels like that before. Good that you are getting some springlike weather. Love your garden.

  3. Your garden looks wonderful. Even better in a few weeks. Lovely to be able to sit out and enjoy it.

  4. You have officially opened the season by bringing the deckchairs out!
    Lovely beach images, but I agree - living in that house on the cliff top seems a bit risky.
    The official start of spring was a perfect spring day here, too, with wall to wall sunshine and a very mild afternoon at 18 or 19C.
    Now it's still sunny and supposed to get even as warm as 20/21C this afternoon, but Sahara dust is on its way and the sun is going to be behind cloudy covers later.

  5. It was a beautiful day yesterday and very warm for March. Your spring flowers are lovely.

  6. We've been have superb weather; clear blue skies, low humidity, and warm during the day, chilly at night. Spring is in full flower here.
