Thursday 17 October 2024

Aga saga

At the end of the day this is what I was left with, two hotplates that can function independently, three ovens, the two right-hand ovens working together, with the lower one operating at a lower heat to the top and a separate oven on bottom left. I'm delighted with the result. My previous Aga electric conversion was either all on or off so this flexibility is wonderful.
The controls, in the top left section, are super easy to use - up - down - off. The green ights tell me when power is being used.
But I've got quite a lot to learn about the various temperatures. These were my first attempt at baking a few biscuits!


  1. Mmm biscuits with colour. They are tastier I think lol
    Love the look of your aga and those wonderful tiles.
    Good cooking!

  2. When we moved to a house with a solid fuel Aga in 1968, by my mum eventually became so frustrated with it, she had it replaced by an ordinary gas cooker. She didn't find it hard to use - she had grown up with a coal-fired range - but thought gas a great improvement.

    1. Oh, dear, but you can't dry out hedgehogs or air your washing in a gas cooker!

  3. Enjoy your newly-organised Aga. Your biscuits look ten times better than any I've ever attempted.

  4. It looks great. From your comment about airing washing I assume that it also heats the room. My parents had a solid fuel Aga in their last house but this sounds much better. No dust from the fuel. Love the tiles as well.
