Tuesday 17 September 2024


We took a trip out into the next dale to visit Hawes. The colour has gone from the heather now, but the moor still looked beauiful.
It had rained the previous night and the stream that runs through the town was putting on a good show.
Hawes is very much a tourist spot and we browsed the shops, (the traditional sweet shop!) and antiques.
Some very impressive-looking cars drove by and we spotted them later in the car park and went to have a look. The interiors described the owners' life style very well, beautiful woodwork, a drinks cabinet and generous cream leather seating!
We called in at the Wensleydale cheese factory , hoping for a tour round the creamery. We hadn't pre-planned our outing and the tour was fully booked. We went to the cheese sampling room instead (oh, yes!) but didn't buy from there. We went instead to Elijah's on the high street (cheaper there - I'm Yorkshire after all!) and came home with our selection. Wensleydale, Coverdale and a delicious wedge of Kit Calvert.


  1. Those cars are classics - beautiful lines.
    The cheeses look delicious. I really like Wensleydale.

    1. One man was looking very enviously at the cars. 'Think of the petrol consumption' I told him. That's a cure for any desire for ownership!

  2. The countryside, cars cheeses - all look lovely. Can't beat a good cheese.

    1. Yes, we are very Benn Gun about a bit of cheese!

  3. Oh yum! I could not believe it when I found some Wensleydale cheese at our local supermarket a few years ago--- here, in rural West Virginia! It instantly made me think of The Weaver of Grass and her lovely blog.

    1. Good things can travel far, Granny Sue! But I've yet to locate a piece of Coverdale down here in the West Country.

  4. Mmmh Wensleydale! It's many years since I've been to the creamery, but I have never forgotten the sampling room - like paradise for any cheese lover!
    The moors look beautiful; I would so love a good long walk or hike there.

    1. Walking on the moors was absolutely sublime, even in a hill mist! The joy of it is the sense of having the whole space to yourself - not a feeling I ever get in Bournemouth!
