Saturday 20 January 2024

Winter warmers.

Cold weather makes me hungry and when the wind whistles and the sky is grey it's good to sit down to a colourful plate of food. Yesterday I soaked some chicken pieces in a marinade made with lime and lemon juice, vegetable oil, tumeric, crushed garlic and cumin seeds. I served the resulting oven-cooked meat with a mixture of brown and wild rice and drizzled some of the juices over the cooked carrot and red cabbage. The result was very cheering.
Cold weather is also hot pudding time and we ate an easy blackcurrant version of Eve's pudding, the cake mxture made with just one egg and 3oz each of butter, sugar and flour softened with milk. (It's going to take a while, post-Christmas, to get back to my usual weight!)
I hope you are all keeping warm and well fed.


  1. The sub-zero freezing temperatures we're having right now induce me to spend more time in the warm kitchen than usual, making vegetable soups and stews or oven-roast veg. I use a lot of ground ginger (the lazy variety, not made from scratch) with spuds, carrots, parsnips and pumpkin/squash. It has great warming properties.
    Your meal with the marinated chicken pieces and warm pudding sounds great, too!

    1. It sounds as though we share the same winter food cravings. I buy a big chunk of fresh ginger and keep it in the freezer so that I can shave some off whenever needed.

  2. That all sounds delicious. I haven't used the oven this year at all. We keep getting heat warnings (27 today, 28 tomorrow and 29 on Tuesday Celsius with along with high humidity) so all meals cooked on the stove, grill or as yesterday in the slow cooker. Brisket with Paprika and Cumin. My favourite spices along with turmeric. It was delicious.

    1. I'm longing for warmth, Susan, but don't envy you the humidity. I use cumin seeds very generously in my cooking and also like turmeric. It is supposed to be very good for our health although I don't know if that is fresh turmeric or the dried.

    2. I had some turmeric growing. Thought it had died but it looks as though it has come up again.

    3. Oh, excellent. I've never tried to grow it but shall look to buy some fresh and give it a go!

    4. Oh, excellent. I've never tried to grow it but shall look to buy some fresh and give it a go!

  3. Oh my goodness that dinner looks and sound so wonderful ! I am going to try a Turmeric Latte and see how that goes.
