Friday 29 December 2023

The Unusual Suspects!

The Family were home for Christmas.
Gangster Gabby.
Fingers Fran.
Roman the Razor.
The Beastly Boy.
Pilfering Pete.
Rosie the Rogue. We've had a very old-fashioned Christmas, nothing electrical apart from our old slide projector and a slide show of jumbled images that went back over seventy years, some very precious images that I must copy from the tiny 35mm slides. We played ridiculous games, none of them recorded because I was too busy hooting with laughter. We introduced our grandson to the marshmallow on a flour pie game. The tablecloth was already beyond it anyway! Now the family have all dispersed and the house is quiet. Having a Scottish mother I have often given or been to a party at Hogmanay, but our friends of many years are at a distance now and it will just be the two of us, feet up on the sofa with a choice of new books to read and a drink and a kiss when the clock strikes midnight.


  1. This year, O.K. and I will also have a quiet New Year‘s Eve, just the two of us. There was so much to do, so many places to go and people to see in the whole month of December that we are really ready for some peace amd quiet before work starts again on Tuesday.

  2. It sounds like a fun Christmas. I am afraid I will be asleep well before the New Year comes in.

  3. Merry Happy New Year ! It sounds like you had a perfect Christmas.
    cheers !
