Thursday, 21 February 2013

Spring flowers

We have been waking in the mornings to freezing fog, but for a short while each day the sun manages to break through the mist and encourage the spring flowers, in spite of the bitter cold, to push a little further out of the earth.

Yesterday we went to a friend's house for lunch. I bought some flowers from a pavement stall and spent a happy time studying the display, dithering as to which would be the nicer selection. The paper whites had a label stating, 'very fragrant' but I couldn't decide whether to put them with hyacinths, pink or blue, or various other options. In the end I chose tulips as they would give no conflicting perfume in the  company of the paper whites.

My friend moved into her new home last autumn and redecorated throughout, with a new colour chosen for the sitting room walls. When all the work had been completed I bought a white orchid to celebrate. The first flower stem is still looking good almost five months later!
Now that's what I call a really good doer!


  1. Replies
    1. It is so bitterly cold, Alicia, that I wonder how delicate blooms survive. They are a very cheering sight.

  2. I just saw some snow drops this morning but we're probably a good month from crocus! Very nice to see.

    1. The birds are usually attracted to my crocus, Steve, and tear them to shreds. This little group has so far escaped!
      Hope you are fully recovered and keeping warm, in spite of the weather.

  3. I keep popping out to our garden to check for signs of new life, there are lots if green shoots & a tiny handful of snowdrops. It feels like spring is coming, slowly & in fits & starts.

  4. Oh Miss J. Hunter Dunn, I do so LOVE your blog. I am watching developments, both the spring and you!

  5. such beautiful spring flowers! i love this time of year!!!
