I've rescued Gertrude Jekyll from the rain. She's an English rose, raised by Austin in 1986. Her parentage is part 'Comte de Chambord', an Old Portland rose, and her perfume is lovely. She is named after the artist, writer and gardener, (1843 - 1932) famous for her painterly approach to planting.

I'm having to pick flowers between the downfalls and bring them into the house in order to enjoy them, it's just not the weather for sauntering round the garden. The small pale pink ball of a rose, centre front in the vase below, is 'Raubritter', obliging me with a second flush of flowers. Although it has no perfume, because of its shape it is one of my favourite roses.

I've cut back some of the globe thistles and fennel because they are becoming too vigorous and threatening to take over the border. They are both very structural plants and it is nice to have them on the kitchen table and be able study them at close quarters.