Tuesday, 21 June 2022
Eating well
June is when things get really tasty. We are eating the first of this season's potatoes, good pickings of mangetout and peas and the last stems of asparagus. I'm especially pleased with the peas, 'Walter's Show' variety which I got from the local seed swap event this spring. It's not a variety that I've ever heard of, possibly not one available in the shops, so I shall let a few pods develop to keep for planting next year. My father's name was Walter so I am especially pleased that these peas are so good!
I've planted another row of peas to follow. They are protected with netting to keep away the pigeons. In the fruit cage its a great year for strawberries and raspberries. We are gorging! So is a young thrush and a sparrow. How they get into the cage is a mystery. I open the door and they both fly straight out, they certainly know their way about. They are in the cage nearly every day.
In spring I spread two sections of the veg plot with our homemade compost and it has now produced a fine show of poppies! They are far too nice to root out. I've put squash seedlings in amongst them and shall remove the poppies once they have flowered.
There is no sign of the wild flower seed that I planted to thread through the grass that we've left to grow. Nevertheless, I'm pleased with this space, even when the grasses are wet and soak you as you pass!
But there is one small, pink flower. Is it an orchid?
Wednesday, 15 June 2022
White flowers in my garden
The weather is GLORIOUS! June is an absolute joy when it is like this. The garden is lush with growth. It's lovely to wander around it in the early morning, comfortable in my skin and again in the evening as the light fades and the white flowers glow. Three of my favourite white flowers are now in bloom; foxglove, lychnis and canpanula. All three spread themselves freely about the garden and I'm happy to see them wherever they appear, all of them are shallow rooted and cause no problems.
If a red foxglove appears I pull it up although I'm not so hard hearted when one appears that is pale pink!
And, of course, there are always white roses!
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
Street party
Well, I have to say it was a very British affair. Our hamlet was determined to have a street party come rain or come shine, and yes, you guessed it - we had rain! It ran down the bunting, dripping off the points. Luckily someone had pulled a canopy out of the back of their garage and it worked a treat, giving the children the added excitement of a possible soaking whenever the canopy collected too much water and it bucketed over the edges. Not the planned entertainment, but the children found it fun! Each household brought a savoury dish to share and a dessert. There was a great deal to eat! I made sushi and an Austrian coffee cake. The men caused much amusement standing in for Prince Philip. After the Covid years it was so nice for the hamlet to be back to sociable times.
How Hill Secret Garden
Sometimes when you see a sign saying 'secret garden' you prepare to be greatly underwhelmed by what is on offer. We wandered through a woodland path at the How Hill Nature Reserve and happily on this occasion were delighted to enter a lush water garden, beautifully planted with ferns, candelabra primula and all manner of delights. The ground was very soggy with many pools and streams. The garden was created by the local architect Edward Boardman. His house at How Hill was built in 1904.
I have never seen the heart-shaped flowers of crinodendron hookerianum before. Lovely!
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About Me

- Share my Garden
- I live with Himself (husband) in the coastal town of Bournemouth in the South-West of England. All text and photographs on this blog are copyright and property of Rosemary Murphy unless otherwise stated. I have three blogs; Share my garden, My life in one hundred objects and Miss Cellany. The 'Himself' blog consists of short stories and artwork, copyright of Peter Murphy.